Audit Observation
Within Day Range | USD / INR | PSU / PRIVATE | Cash / Tom / Spot |
Outside Day Range | EUR/INR, GBP/INR | MNC | Forward |
This is a free service only for our guest users. Historical Rate allows guests to check past forex transactions done with their banks within a period of 1 year. You can check cash and forward transaction in this section and find out if you have been overcharged previously or not.
From our past experience we have created a matrix for you to understand and use our Historical rate audit judiciously as you get only three attempts to check historical transactions.
Within Day Range | USD / INR | PSU / PRIVATE | Cash / Tom / Spot |
Outside Day Range | EUR/INR, GBP/INR | MNC | Forward |
Historical rate audit allows customer to conduct an audit of past 3 deals done with the bank for cash and forward.
Only transaction value cash and forward can be audited and transaction done after 1st Jan can be audited.
No, it is completely free service for 3 transactions. It is chargable after 3 transaction.
You will get to compare the rate you got from the bank with the days high and low.You will find yourself the amount you might have lost from a single deal if the rate is outside days range.If it is within the days range you can compare with the average rate for that day.
In case we see the difference, can we ask the bank to refund the same?
What has gone is over and you should look forward to saving money in next deal.
The report can be cross checked with multiple agencies and auditors.Routeforex authenticates such report to be correct.
It is because you can still find delayed Inter bank rates in some websites and television however forward rates are not available anywhere.
Historical rate is available for last 1 year.For checking older transaction you can get in touch with our dealing room.
The rates can be checked on our Mobile app.You just need to download our app and enter through quest section and compare the rates